Monday, January 10, 2011

1. The Killer Inside Me

Available at any local Red Box location, this movie seems mildly interesting when judging by the front cover. The cast boasts Oscar nominees left and right with Casey Affleck and Kate Hudson, and Jessica Alba too. What looks like your average middle-of-the-19th-century murder mystery turns out to be so much more. Or less. This movie can be described as senseless and grotesque at best. Here is the plot: Casey Affleck is a sheriff, or a deputy, or a guy in a uniform. Hooker Jessica Alba living at the edge of town must be evicted. Casey goes to give her the boot. She fights, he hits her. She loves it, they go to town on each other. He doesnt eveict her and continues to visit the young ladywhore for who knows how long. Now here is the thing. They show it. They show all of it. And we're only ten-fifteen minutes in! Then he decides ( Im assuming because he is married) that the hooker must die. Does he shoot her? No, why would he? He punches her to death of course. And the key here again..... they show it. All of it. Then the rest of the movie is Caseys obsession with beating his own wife and lying and killing, killing and lying, and this goes on and on ( as they show all of it ) until the movie just..... ends. And you know how your friends will tease you about a movie and say that everybody dies at the end. Well in this case its true. They all die. Every. Single. Person.

Moral: Dont see this movie unless you want to wonder for the rest of your life if you'll every be worthy to do anything Mormon ever again.

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